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Import Project

Import an existed other ide's project from disk and create a new eide project.

Click Import Project item at OPERATIONS view.

A quick-pick window will be pop-up, we can select project type.

Now we support to import Keil and Eclipse project.

For Project Import

Although the plug-in has some "import xxx project" functionality, this does not mean that the plug-in must be used with the xxx development environment.
Instead, the import function extracts the information about the target project and creates an eide type project from it. After the import is complete, the eide project will be disconnected from the old project.

Keil Project

Keil project limit

This import function is not 100% suitable for any Keil project.
Please check the limitations of this feature at keil project limit

Setup keil location

Before start, you need configure keil toolchain location for eide.
Reference to Setup Section.


Open OPERATIONS bar, Click Import Project to start importer.

Then you need select a *.uvproj/*.uvprojx file, and click Import.

A propmt message will pop-up.

Make eide project coexist with the Keil project in the same directory ? If you choose "No", you need to specify a folder to store the eide project !

If you want make eide project coexist with the Keil project in the same directory, please select Yes !

If no error, a message will pop-up. Then you need switch workspace.


We need to configure the project because eide does not import the compiler settings for the Keil project.

  • Set RAM/ROM Layout: configure mcu ram/rom base addr, size

    First, set Use Custom Linker Script File to false.

    Then, click modify button on RAM And ROM Layout item to open Memory Layout Editor.

    Now, you need open keil project and copy ram/rom layout data to eide memory layout editor, and save.

  • Set Compiler Options: Copy keil C/C++, Asm, Linker Options to eide

    Open Keil Project Options -> C/C++, copy keil options to eide Builder Options View

    Copy other keil Misc-Controls to eide Other C Compiler Options

    Repeat the above steps for Asm, Linker options.

    Not found Options

    Most of the params are the same, if you can't find some option, you can enter
    the compiler command-line arguments directly in Other C Compiler Options or Other C++ Compiler Options box.

  • Check IncludePath, Macros:

    Check whether the IncludePath, Macros of the imported eide project is consistent with that of the original Keil project.

    If there are any missing or incorrect items, manually complete them.


After completing the above steps, you can start compiling your project.

If there are some compilation errors, please rectify the fault according to the error message.

Eclipse Project


  • Click Import Project and select the Eclipse type.

  • Select the .cproject file for your Eclipse project and click Import.

    Switch workspace after import completed.


  • Handle incompatible parameters:

    Due to the design differences between Eclipse CDT and EIDE, EIDE is temporarily not fully compatible with some project properties and build Settings in Eclipse projects.

    After the import is completed, a *.warning.txt file will be generated, which records all the incompatible Eclipse project properties.

    You need to modify the EIDE project builder options of according to the meaning of these properties 'name' and 'value' until it can be compiled properly.


After completing the above steps, you can start compiling your project.

If there are some compilation errors, please rectify the fault according to the error message.