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Chip Support Packages

Install chip package for your Cortex-M mcu ...

For Arm

This function is only for Cortex-M project.

What's This

CMSIS-Pack defines a standardized way to deliver software components, device parameters and board support information and code. Adopted by leading semiconductor companies, embedded software and tools vendors across the Arm architecture, CMSIS-Packs increase productivity across the industry by encouraging code reuse and enabling proactive software component deployment with online updates and dependencies checking.

We support install cmsis-pack to project.

When you install a chip support cmsis-pack and select mcu name for your project, the plug-in will know the chip model and specifications you are using, and the following features will be optimized:

  • Builder Configurations: The plug-in will auto select the CPU Type by chip informations.

  • Flasher Configurations: For JLink flasher, plug-in can automatically complete the chip selection and flasher algorithm file installation.

  • Debugger Configurations: Plugin can automatically generate more debug configurations(for cortex-debug) based on chip model (including: chip name, SVD path, etc.)

  • RAM/ROM Layout: Plugin will automatically fill the RAM/ROM address and size based on the selected chip information.

  • Peripheral Components: Allow user install the source file components from cmsis-pack.

Not necessary

This function is not necessary, eide will work well even if you don't install any chip support package.

Install Chip Packages

We support 2 ways to install a chip support package for your project.

From Repo

We cached some trimmed cmsis packages for eide.

If you use this way, eide will pull all available packages from above repository and provide a list for you to choose.

Why trim package

Some cmsis package are very large in size, this will affect the size of project.
So we can trim them and remove unused contents to reduce disk usage.

From Disk

You need download a .pack file from package site and select it in file dialog that eide popup.

There are some sites:

Peripheral Components

Peripheral Components is a collection of peripheral driver source files.

You can install Peripheral Components to project from chip support package.

Then these files will be compiled with your project.