Serial Port
Since v3.11.0
, built-in serial-monitor will be removed from plug-in.
Now, please use: ms-vscode.vscode-serial-monitor
Open Serial Port
There are some buttons in status bar for Serialport
You can Open Serial Port
, Select Serial Port Name
, Select Baud Rate
Click Open Serial
button, eide will post a shell command to open an interactive serial port program.
~~Now the program will start to receive text from port, and you can send
text in terminal. ~~
Configure Serial Port
There are some VSCode settings for Serial Port
- Port Settings
~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.DefaultPort
~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.BaudRate
~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.DataBits
~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.Parity
~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.StopBits
~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.useUnixLF
- Display Settings
~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.ShowStatusBar
You can modify these settings in .code-workspace