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Serial Port

Since v3.11.0, built-in serial-monitor will be removed from plug-in.

Now, please use: ms-vscode.vscode-serial-monitor

Open Serial Port

There are some buttons in status bar for Serialport function.

You can Open Serial Port, Select Serial Port Name, Select Baud Rate

Click Open Serial button, eide will post a shell command to open an interactive serial port program.

~~Now the program will start to receive text from port, and you can send text in terminal. ~~

Configure Serial Port

There are some VSCode settings for Serial Port functions:

- Port Settings

~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.DefaultPort~~ ~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.BaudRate~~ ~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.DataBits~~ ~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.Parity~~ ~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.StopBits~~ ~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.useUnixLF~~

- Display Settings

~~ - EIDE.SerialPortMonitor.ShowStatusBar~~

You can modify these settings in .code-workspace file.