Utility Terminals
Execute program in eide terminal.
EIDE Terminal
We have exported some Variables, Program Paths
to eide terminal context environment.
You can execute/access directly these eide internal programs by this terminal.
Open an eide terminal, use shell command to list all internal eide System Environment Variables
- Windows (Powershell)
- Windows (CMD)
- Linux
ls env:
Msys Terminal
For Windows, We provide an internal linux shell environment for you to execute shell scripts, programs.
All available shell commands:
Can be called directly:
a2p awk
basename bash bison bunzip2 bzcat bzip2 bzip2recover
cat chgrp chmod chown chroot cksum cmp comm cp csplit curl cut
date dd df diff diff3 dir dircolors dirname du
echo egrep env error-mode expand expr
factor false fgrep find flex fmt fold funzip
gawk-3.1.7 gawk grep gzexe gzip
head hostname
id install install.manifest
join kill
link ln locate logname ls lzcat lzma lzmadec lzmainfo
m4 make md5sum mkdir mkfifo mknod msysmnt mv
nice nl nohup
od oldfind openssl
paste patch patch.manifest pathchk perl perl5.8.8 pgawk-3.1.7 pgawk
pinky pkg-config pr printenv printf ps ptx pwd
readlink rm rmdir
scp sdiff sed seq sftp sh sha1sum shred sleep slogin sort split
ssh-add ssh-agent ssh-keygen ssh-keyscan ssh stat strace stty su sum sync
tac tail tar tee test touch tr true tsort tty
uname unexpand uniq unlink unlzma unxz unzip unzipsfx users
vdir wc who whoami
xargs xz xzcat xzdec
yes zipinfoOnly can called by 'bash -c' command:
aclocal autoconf autoheader autom4te automake autopoint autoreconf autoscan autoupdate
bashbug bzcmp bzdiff bzegrep bzfgrep bzgrep bzless bzmore
c2ph c_rehash cls clsb cmd config_data cpan cpantest crc32
dprofpp enc2xs
find2perl ftp
groups gunzip gzexe
h2ph h2xs
ifnames igawk instmodsh
ld2 libnetcfg libtool libtoolize lnkcnv lzcmp lzdiff lzegrep lzfgrep lzgrep lzless lzmore
mount msysinfo
perlbug perlcc perldoc perlivp perlld perlrebase piconv pl2pm pod2html pod2latex pod2man
pod2readme pod2text pod2usage pod_cover podchecker podselect prove psed pstruct ptar ptardiff ptee
s2p shasum splain start
umount uncompress updatedb
which xsubpp xzcmp xzdiff xzegrep xzfgrep xzgrep xzless xzmore
yacc ysh
zcat zcmp zdiff zegrep zfgrep zforce zgrep zipgrep zless zmore znew